Difference and inclusivity are important themes within Soma. We have chosen to work with the notion of difference and how each participant brings their own experience of reality, perception and body, which offers new insight into our experiences and understandings.
“What stayed with me was the joy, the utter, utter joy I had. It was like being a little child and being allowed to run around like a lunatic and physically express that joy.”
– Participant
We like the idea that there is no wrong or right way to experience Soma and there is no fixed piece of choreography or set script to deliver to you. Whilst there is a score for the performance we want to be open to respond to and be part of what occurs in the moment, to celebrate the differences between us and the ways in which difference can create a more diverse collaboration.
The work is underpinned by an ethic of care and trust, accessed through the tools and practices of the dancers. At every step of the experience, each participant has the support and agency to go on the journey that they themselves choose to undertake.
“The dancers were very generous, very kind. Mine was just incredibly generous and a very caring woman and that came across very quickly. There was an openness, so I felt quite safe with her.”
– Participant